Prof. Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam
Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam is currently Chairman at the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. He holds his graduation and post-graduation from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh with the first position in 1990 and 1991 respectively. He holds his Ph.D. degree with the topic of “The Role of Islam to Establish Human Values: Bangladesh Perspective (1971-2001)” from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts, the University of Dhaka in 2008.
He has a depth specialty in some crucial social research as an Islamic contemporary challenge in both the Muslim-majority countries and the West, Islamic legislation, Islamic Mysticism, Philosophy of Social Science, comparative philosophy, Modern Islamic Political Thought and Modernization in the Muslim world.
2012-Till now : Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka
2008- 2012 : Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka.
2004-2008 : Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka.
2000-2004 : Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka.
1995-2000 : Lecturer & Head of the Department, Department of Islamic Studies, RAJUK Uttara Model College, Uttara, Dhaka.
- “Nashaatul Balaga Wa Tatawwuruha Hattal Karnis Salisil Hijri” Arabic Department journal, 7, Vol-8, University of Dhaka
- “Study of Poetry in the Perspective of Islam” Literature journal, Department of Bangla, June-2002, University of Dhaka (‘Kve¨ PP©vq Bmjvgx `„wó‡KvYÕ)
- “Endanger Environment, forestation and Islam” Philosophy and progress journal, June- December-2002, University of Dhaka (‘wecbœ cwi‡ek, ebvqb I BmjvgÕ)
- “Environment: Water Pollution and Islam” Islamic Foundation Journal, January-March- 2003, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘cwi‡ek: cvwb`~lY I BmjvgÕ)
- “Environment, Air Pollution and Islam” Islamic Foundation Journal, January-March- 2004, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘cwi‡ek, evqy `~lY I BmjvgÕ)
- “Importance of Practice of Mother-Tongue in the Light of Islam” Islamic Foundation Journal, October-December- 2004, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘Bmjv‡gi `„wó‡Z gvZ…fvlv PP©vi ¸iæZ¡Õ)
- “Environment, Sound Pollution and Islam” Islamic Foundation Journal, July-September- 2005, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘cwi‡ek, kã`~lY I BmjvgÕ)
- “Influence of Rumi in the poetry and Philosophy of Iqbal” Arts faculty Journal, July-05- June-2006, University of Dhaka (‘BKevj Kve¨ I wPšÍv `k©‡b iægxi f~wgKvÕ)
- “Role of Islam to Establish Drug Free Society” Islamic Foundation Journal, January-March- 2006, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘gv`Kgy³ mgvR MV‡b Bmjv‡gi f~wgKvÕ)
- “Indication of Islam to preserve Right of living creatures” Journal of Dr. Sirajul Hoque Islamic research Centre, January-December-2006, University of Dhaka (‘Rxe-Rš‘i AwaKvi msiÿ‡Y Bmjv‡gi wb‡`©kbvÕ)
- “Islam is the Complete and Balanced Code of Life” Islamic Foundation Journal, January-March-2007, Islamic Foundation Bangladesh (‘Bmjvg GKgvÎ cwic~Y© I fvimvg¨ Rxeb e¨e¯’vÕ)
- “Philosophy of Education in Islam” The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies, January-June-2007, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka (‘Bmjv‡gi wkÿv`k©bÕ)
- “Transparency and accountability in Islam” Arts faculty Journal, July-2006- June-2008, University of Dhaka (‘Bmjv‡g ¯^”QZv I Revew`wnZvÕ)
- “Development of Health Sciences and Related Institutions during the First six Centuries of Islam” The CDR Journal, December-2007- December-2008, University of Dhaka
- “Contribution of Islam to manifest Human values” The Dhaka University Journal of Islamic Studies, July-December-2008, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Dhaka (‘gvbweK g~j¨‡eva weKv‡k Bmjv‡gi Ae`vbÕ)
- “Nature of Khutba of Muhammad (sm.)” Arts faculty Journal, July-08- June-2010, University of Dhaka (‘gynv¤§v‡`i (mvt) LyZ¡evi cÖK…wZÕ)
- “Humanity and other relative matters in Islamic Law and Justice” Journal of Islamic law and Justice, July-september-2010, Bangladesh Islamic Law research and legal Aid Centre, Dhaka (‘Bmjvgx AvBb I wePv‡i gvbweKZv I Ab¨vb¨ cÖmsMÕ)
- “Importance and dignity of Labor in Islam: An Analysis” Journal of Dr. Sirajul Hoque Islamic research Centre, January-June & July-December-2010, University of Dhaka (‘Bmjv‡g kÖ‡gi ¸iæZ¡ I gh©v`v : GKwU ch©v‡jvPbvÕ)
- “Way of solution of conjugal contradiction: Quranic over view” Journal of Islamic law and Justice, October-December-2010, Bangladesh Islamic Law research and legal Aid Centre, Dhaka (‘`v¤úZ¨ we‡iva wb®úwËi Dcvq : KziAv‡bi `„wófw½Õ)
- “Importance and method of Justice in Islam” Journal of Islamic law and Justice, April-June-2011, Bangladesh Islamic Law research and legal Aid Centre, Dhaka (‘Bmjv‡g b¨vq wePv‡ii ¸iæZ¡ I c×wZÕ)
- “Importance and necessity of Human values in Islam” Arts faculty Journal, 2010-2011 (‘Bmjv‡g gvbweK g~j¨‡ev‡ai ¸iæZ¡ I cÖ‡qvRbxqZvÕ)
- “Importance and Necessity of Research: Islamic Perspective” Journal of Islamic law and Justice, 2012, Bangladesh Islamic Law research and legal Aid Centre, Dhaka (‘M‡elYvi ¸iæZ¡ I cÖ‡qvRbxqZv: †cÖwÿZ BmjvgÕ)
- The role of Islam to establish the Communal Harmony (‘mv¤úª`vwqK m¤úªZx cÖwZôvq Bmjv‡gi f~wgKvÕ).
PARTICIPATION IN TRAINING/WORKSHOP/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE- Participated in the workshop “Importance of Sunnah of Muhammad (sm.) and Dignity of Sahabah” organized by Rabitatu Khariji Al-Jamiatus Saudia Fi Bangladesh, collaboration with Bangladesh Islami University, 4 may, 2010
- Participated in the workshop “Writing Textbooks: Prospect & Challenge” organized by
Professor Hasan Kasule, Faculty of medicine, King Fahad University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at BIAM, 25-26 February 2010 - Participated in the workshop “Islamic Banking” organized by Central Shariah Board for Islamic Banks of Bangladesh, 27 June 2009
- Participated in the workshop and Skill Development Program for University Teachers “Higher Education for Building Nation” organized by WAMY, 1-2 December 2005
- Participated in the 7 days’ workshop “Research Methodology” organized by The Centre for Advanced Research in Humanities of the University of Dhaka, May 2003
- Participated in the workshop for University teachers organized by WAMY, 31 October 2002 to 03 November 2002
- Participated in the workshop on “Ulumush Shariah Wai Arabia” Organized by Rabitatul Jamiatil Islamia,15 August 1994 to 29 August 1994
- Participated in the workshop on “Arabic Literature and Islamic culture” organized by Islamic University. Madinah, KSA, From 13-12-1409 Hijri to 23-01-1410=40 days
- Participated as a session chair in International conference organized by Asian University of Bangladesh.
Supervision of Ph.D. Research
- ‘Islamic Law: Bangladesh Perspective’
Researcher: Iqbal Hossain Bhuiyan
- ‘Islam and Communal Harmony: Perspective Bangladesh and the Outer World’
Researcher: Rafia Sultana
- ‘The Role of Islam to Solve the Problem of Conjugal Life: Bangladesh Perspective’
Researcher: Md. Ekramul Haque
- ‘The concept of Globalization and Islamic Alternative: A Comparative Study’
Researcher: Muhammad Rezaul Hossain
Supervision of M.Phil. Research
- ‘Muslim’s Contribution to Establish the Library and its Development’
Researcher: Mohammad Omar Faruk
- ‘Jihad in the Contemporary Context: Islamic Perspective’
Researcher: Mostofa Masom Siddique