Problems Faced by Teachers Residing in the City and Working in Village Schools

Teachers, Transportation Problems, Transportation EducationAbstract
This study aims to determine the problems faced by teachers working in village schools and commuting from the city center. The "open-ended survey technique" was used in the study. The study group of the study consists of teachers working in villages affiliated to the central district of Sivas province in the 2020–2021 academic year and commuting to the city center by shuttle or private vehicle. The study group of the study was formed within the framework of the participation and opinions of 40 teachers working in different branches. The aim of the study was to find solutions to the problems encountered by teachers who live in the city center but have to work in villages affiliated to the central district due to their daily commute to go to the institutions they work in and to find solutions to these problems. It was observed that teachers encountered various problems due to their daily commute. The most important of these problems were waking up early, loss of time, transportation difficulties, accidents, financial loss, lack of commitment to the school, lack of communication with parents and students, etc. It has been concluded that these problems cause both material and spiritual wear on teachers and negatively affect them physically, spiritually and psychologically. It has been emphasized that the reasons why teachers live in the city center are the lack of basic needs, insecurity, the employment status of spouses, and the children's good education. It is thought that the problems of teachers can be solved with the provision of financial opportunities, additional service points, the provision of institutional transportation vehicles and new arrangements to be made in the regulation of teacher appointment and relocation with the norm staff.
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